fredag, januar 18, 2008

Forslag til helt ny grunnlov

Det største problemet med vår Grunnlov, er det utrolig snirklete språket som er brukt. Men ikke bare språket, men også innholdet kunne trenge en oppussing. I en bydel i Vilnius finnes det en republik, Užupis som har noen enkle og greie paragrafer i grunnloven. Kanskje verden hadde vært et bedre sted om man kunne følge disse:

Užupis Constitution:

1. Man has the right to live by the River Vilnelė, while the River Vilnelė has the right to flow by man.

2. Man has the right to hot water, heating in winter and a tiled roof.

3. Man has the right to die, but it is not his obligation.

4. Man has the right to make mistakes.

5. Man has the right to individuality.

6. Man has the right to love.

7. Man has the right to be not loved, but not necessarily.

8. Man has the right not to be distinguished and famous.

9. Man has the right to be idle.

10. Man has the right to love and take care of a cat.

11. Man has the right to look after a dog till one or the other dies.

12. A dog has the right to be a dog.

13. A cat is not obliged to love its master, but it must help him in hardness.

14. Sometimes man has the right to be unaware of his duties.

15. Man has the right to be in doubt, but this is not his duty.

16. Man has the right to be happy.

17. Man has the right to be unhappy.

18. Man has the right to be silent.

19. Man has the right to have faith.

20. No one has the right to violence.

21. Man has the right to realize his negligibility and magnificence.

22. Man has the right to encroach upon eternity.

23. Man has the right to understand.

24. Man has the right to understand nothing.

25. Man has the right to be of various nationalities.

26. Man has the right to celebrate or not to celebrate his birthday.

27. Man shall remember his name.

28. Man may share what he possesses.

29. Man cannot share what he does not possess.

30. Man has the right to have brothers, sisters and parents.

31. Man is capable of independence.

32. Man is responsible for his freedom.

33. Man has the right to cry.

34. Man has the right to be misunderstood.

35. Man has no right to make another person guilty.

36. Man has the right to be personal.

37. Man has the right to have no rights.

38. Man has the right not to be afraid.

39. Do not defeat.

40. Do not figth back.

41. Do not surrender.

5 kommentarer:

Viljar sa...

framstår som et fint sted å bo...

Knut Johannessen sa...


Anonym sa...

La oss ta vare på den Grunnlov som vi har hatt i nesten 200 år. Etter min mening burde det være slik at absolutt alle endringer av Grunnloven burde være gjenstand for folkeavstemning (evt. først en folkeavstemning (som ikke behøver å ha så høy deltagelse) om det skal være folkeavstemning). Hva mener dere?

Viljar sa...

Personlig er jeg tilhenger av ethvert tiltak som tar oss i retning av et mer direkte demokrati..

Anonym sa...

Har jeg missforstått, VP?
Eller var dette egentlig et eksempel på en utrolig snirklete måte å gjengi Kardemommeloven på?